Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Discussion On Diversity

While we are incarnate, we inhabit human bodies which are fragile. Our emotions, our psyche, has a filter which is called a 'veil' in studies of the metaphysical.

It separates us from who we are when we were back Home, wherever it is, where we came from before we came here.

We are blocked, many of us completely, from knowledge of our past lives, our life purpose, our many life lessons...

We are also conditioned not to use many of the gifts, for example, telepathic communication, which is normal for us when we are 'back home'.

Basically, it is the experience of the 'veil' which creates the Illusion of Separation...from Home, from Creator of all that is, from one another...and creates the painful experience of being alone while we live out our lives on Earth.

This brings us to a point--everything either enhances the state of separation, or unites us.

I call this driving force the 'energy of separation'.

According to our teachers and wise ones who have walked the earth, such as Buddha, for example, they teach we are One. One with everything, with All That Is.  They taught the energy of 'what is in common', of 'harmony' and 'peace'.  Some of their followers may have created divisions, in promoting Buddhism, for example, by saying it is 'essentially different' from, let's say, Shinto or Catholicism...right?

When we 'celebrate Diversity' what does that imply?

Let's think about it.

Diversity is the energy of separation--I look different from you, I eat different from you, and LOVE different from you--and that's OKAY.  Right? Isn't that the gist of it?

To me, the focus is on DIFFERENT.

It maintains the status quo, the terrible belief systems which perpetuate the energy of separation.

Why not celebrate US?

We have appearance.

We eat.

We love.

It's a very subtle shift in the consciousness which automatically decreases the energy of separation, and promotes the energy of harmony and peace.

I like my appearance, and I like yours too, I think we look AWESOME!

I like to eat, and you like to eat, perhaps we could share our favorite recipes?

I have love in my heart, and you have love in YOUR heart, isn't that wonderful???

We even have the same home!

Planet Earth!

Wouldn't it be nice if we were able to take good care of our home?

We could make it really nice if we worked together, don't you think?

We could all have clean air and water and food...and a safe place to live...once we make it a habit to let go of the energy of separation, and embrace what's left. 

We are very fragile beings with the gift of life!

Let's enjoy it while it lasts.

Here's another view on the same subject--funny I went to sleep last night thinking of this topic and this came out today:


I agree with Carla on her points too.

I'd like to emphasize this.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple