Friday, May 23, 2014

You Are Remembered By Our Hearts

This week at the grocery store, I felt 'nudged' by Spirit to buy a memory candle for Ross.

I was Jewish in my past life with him, and it was only natural for me to light a candle like this to honor him and let him know he is on my mind, and in my heart.

Although we have direct communication with each other, we are still dimensions apart.

I miss him.

I wanted to write about this, and share the hope of reunion for you with your you can light a candle too.

Ross sends this song for me, right now:

Time In A Bottle, by Jim Croce

See? How fortunate I am to have my Eternal Twin Flame looking out for me?

Then I remembered what this weekend is in the States--Memorial Day

And as I looked for some photos to give recognition to those who have died for us, including my friend, Mark Taylor, M.D., I was surprised that the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier isn't only in the States and France...

Here is Arlington, where there is an eternal flame of remembrance...

I was present for a big ceremony here last year for the 14 Juillet, to celebrate their soldier...

The Unknown Soldier is also honored in Greece...


...and Moscow, Russia. I am sure there are more than these pictures, from all over the world, as well.

There are so many soldiers who did not get to experience the joy of participating in the childhood of their own beloved children...

That is sad. 

It's a shame they never got to enjoy the presence of their family, and made the sacrifice with their life.

'To serve and protect'...however that goes...

It is a loss, both to the future and to humanity, that they have left us, for whatever reason.

This is not the place for the discussion of who is wrong and who is right.

All of them are dead.

The one person who DID come back from death, didn't stick around for very much time after...

So what do we do?

We light candles and we pray.

Unless you are Reiki two, or higher, trained.

Then you can send both forward and back in time, to those lost and all their loved ones, healing energy that is nurturing, warmth, love and compassion, just like this:

Please join me in the healing for those lost because of their military service.

Aloha and Mahalos,

Reiki Doc