Monday, January 23, 2012

Reiki in a Hostile Workplace

There is chaos at my work.
People are suing people right and left. And inviting me to sue.
Everything about the drama seems as old as this equipment to me.
It still works.. But can you get it serviced? The answer is no. There are no replacement parts manufactured or service men to take care of them. The technology is beyond obsolete.

I will explain the cast of characters, the New Guy, the Leader, the Embezzler, the Disgruntled Guy,  and the Homosexual. Followed by the conundrum of myself, with my Reiki heart. : )

The New Guy wants a Short Drive. He had contacted the Embezzler who holds a contract with the hospital. He arrived, lo and behold, ecstatic that his Short Drive Dreams come true. But he is new, just finished in training. And is a D.O. (doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) instead of an M.D. (doctor of Allopathic Medicine, a traditional doctor).  He does not question why if everyone were happy there would be an opening in our highly-desireable place to live. I proctor him on two cases, and he is unaware that this proctoring takes half my income for the two cases, and although I pass him, I do not think highly of his skills.

The Leader 'shot himself' politically about two months ago. He and his cohort tried to rally everybody to his side. The cause? Nuke the Embezzler. Make a new life for all of us. In secret negotiations he and his cohort offered a deal to the highest paid surgeon  a thirty percent discount on anesthesia services for one year. This was an effort to take the contract away. This blew the minds of administration, who hunkered down for the old. I can not begin to state how many hours I worked overtime to cover for the Leader to attend various meetings, and how many times I had to wake up an get to a six in the morning meeting. I got sick of it.

The Embezzler wants to keep his power. He is in denial over the legality of his trespass by taking money from the workers without their consent. And he has no clue that his top commodity, our skills, can up and go at any time. The Leader has worked for fourteen months without a contract, until being dismissed two days before Christmas. The Embezzler is from an ethnic background that is notorious for raiding money. Three others like him in the local anesthesia community have been let go from their places of work due to their poor practice of fiscal trustworthiness.

The Disgruntled Guy was the first to be told 'you will be fired'. He is astute, pays attention to details, and never had any money taken. The billing company and Embezzler knew he checked. But the problem with all of us led him to action. First the meetings, ultimately screwing the Embezzler by firing HIM with one day notice. I QUIT! Leader had one day. That is all I give you! The Disgruntled Guy is doing a start-up with the Cohort at another hospital. Disgruntled has five year's cash ready for expenses. However, upon his leaving, there was a shock wave throughout the hospital and the O.R.

Disguntled spilled to New Guy all the facts. New Guy was offered a full-time position immediately after Disgruntled left. At first he thought it was because of his skills. Now he sees the Red Flags. Number one issue for New Guy is Time Off/Vacation. It is next to impossible to get, and there is always the threat that one might have to cancel vacation if there is not enough coverage at the hospital. I told him how I planned my two-week vacation in advance. I had to defend it with a little piece of paper with the date on it, since Embezzler thought Cohort deserved the time-off to study for boards. And then the Old Guy had bought tickets to France, too! And I had to reschedule my trip one week earlier. I missed the childbirth of a friend. New Guy heard all this and gave me a hug. He wants five or six weeks' vacation. I offered to be his friend, to look out for him. And maybe to end up where he finds work instead.

New Guy took one hour of my time post call. And Leader took up another on the phone. Leader is negative. He brings up Homosexual, a mutual friend and colleague, who is suing the hospital for anti-gay remarks made by someone in the hospital. It turnsd out that there are many, MANY lawsuits against the Hospital for a Hostile Workplace. I am encourage to join Leader in a Hybrid lawsuit. Four or five others have. Leader threatened me to 'never be able to find work in the area before, but is recommending I look into New Job. Do I have thirty-thousand dollars contingency for lawsuit? Do I want to be involved? No.

What do I see? As a Reiki Heart? Well, my heart center is activated. I feel a very strong connection to my patients and my work. Not particularly the coworkers. Just my work.

And I am struck with a sense of relief now that the Leader is gone. I don't trust Embezzler. But I also appreciate the Harmony that is present while Leader is away. I do not enjoy Fear Tactics.

So what did I do?

I talked to Mom. Spent the afternoon with her, showing her Facebook and listening to her. She gives me a story from 1973, a dream, that was very, ummmm....advanced. Remote viewing, advanced technology,  and also ascended functions. She asked me not to tell anyone what was in it, so I am vague on purpose. But Mom has it going on. She asked me to climb and take down her Nine Freedoms book, the one she bought in 1962 that predicted all the current events and ascension too. Bless her for her wisdom and sight. And for her knowing about Dancing Squirrels on YouTube, and asking to look at it, even though she is not sure what YouTube is.

I manifested an opening at a work near my home. I am going to look into it. It can't hurt. Mom says. It is connected to Leader. But if the vibrations aren't right, I plan to remain where I am  and keep looking.

In all negotiations with everyone, I will present the matter of patient care first. And ego has no place there.


Reiki Doc