Thursday, January 12, 2012

Life in the Fast Lane: Reiki in a Busy OR

This is a picture of a surgeon standing in their socks in a case. Almost all opthalmologists take their shoes off during surgery, too. They have to concentrate, and want to limit their distractions to a minimum. In the O.R., we work accurately, and we have to work FAST.

The last two days have had busy line-ups with lots of patients. Day before yesterday, I didn't have time to do Reiki on everybody. Just some. And yesterday, I didn't do Reiki at all. Except for being a continuous source. Why is this?

Well, during a case, I will have looked up the information on a patient before coming to the operating room. I will have spoken with them, examined them, and if necessary, given a little 'cocktail' or 'margarita' in the i.v. to reduce anxiety and make them forget what is going to happen. I also will have all the necessary equipment in the room for the anesthesia for the case.

Once in the room, I help the patient transfer to the table. Yesterday we did one case on the gurney and that was nice, not having to move the patient! But after they move and their pillows are adjusted, I put on blood pressure, pulse oximeter, EKG, and supplemental pre-oxygen. I induce anesthesia, and insert an  airway. It can be an LMA or and ETT, but I have to do it quick and not break teeth. Some teeth are in poor repair, and I have to be more careful than always. Once my tube is secure, the nurses position, prep, and the surgeon and scrub tech drape.

By the time for incision, we will have done a 'Time Out' to verify the surgery, the antibiotic status, the ASA status (how sick they are), and my anesthesia plan. I have to deepen the anesthetic for the incision.

Once this is done, i chart. Although some anesthesia records are automated, there is still a lot of information to be put in, especially the drugs given and the narrative for what happened. The is the fleshed-out preoperative assessment in the computer I need to complete, and the post-op orders for the patient in recovery room.

I also set up for the next patient and research them on the computer at this time.

Last, when there is time for it, I complete my billing information and staple it to the face sheet. The face sheet has all the information about the patient and the insurance on it. That is how we bill. Self-pay means the patient does not have money and I work for free. And cash is awkward because I have to collect it from the patient prior to surgery. Some give me a hard time about the fee and I have to call my boss or the accountant to verify the fee before they write the check. It is awkward to be in that position.

When do I eat? When do I use the bathroom? How do I make calls I need to make to set up appointments?

I run. Between the cases, I can take a few bites, but I am always rushing. If I  drank too much coffee and the patient is stable, the RN watches for less than five minutes while I run to the loo. And calls in the OR? As few as possible during the case. 

I do, however, like to read journals and the newspaper to keep up during the maintenance part of the case. I am constantly watching the patient, the surgery and the monitors, but I need this breather to regenerate the energy I have been expending as a caregiver. It also helps me not to space out during the longest part of a case. I focus on everything at once.

This is when I am most likely to do Reiki. So when the case is short, or I am 'spent', I have to skip it.

That is the lesson I learned these past two days. Reiki regenerates you, but it has to be spontaneous. It is not compulsive. And when it gets that way, it can be 'one more thing to have to do'.

The Reiki I gave day before yesterday was to a patient with negative mental attitude, with a spinal cord stimulator AND an intrathecal pain pump in place that kept failing. These are each fifty-thousand dollar devices that are like pacemakers or insulin-pumps inserted in the back for pain management. When I hooked in for Reiki, I felt St. Michael behind me doing all the work. St. Michael helps in the clearing out of bad spirits, the dark entities and the negative entities. I did some Reiki, no Karuna, but chakra balancing and Deeksha. What I picked up is that sometimes train wrecks come to me for them to get rid of their parasites in their aura, and give them a chance to recover from their plight.

One patient had the surgeon perplexed. They kept having terrible abdominal pain. No test could find it. He had to operate, and found only mild adhesions in the intestines. But if I could, besides the MRI, the CAT scan and the ultrasound imaging, I would have done Reiki first. And balanced the chakras with the Guides of Compassionate Healing. I would bet dollars to donuts there was a pair of Dark Entities, a Major and a Minor, in either the red or orange chakra.  Those are the kind that like to cause pain. And nobody would know about it.

Again, I would like to recommend the work of Margaret Mc Cormick. For a fee, she can diagnose your 'attachments' remotely (she uses her pendulum), clear them, heal your aura, and protect you so that no negative or dark entities can attach to your energy system again (unless you invite them. you always have free will). I had it done early, and I felt it working from far away. The first removal, I had to nap! Be sure to check out her work if you are interested. If you work with people on a daily basis, I recommend it as a layer of protection in addition to your daily shield of white and/or gold or pink light. There is too much risk for you otherwise. Think of it like wearing protective gloves, gown, and eye shields when working with a patient with Hepatitis C. I did two of those yesterday...just as there is always risk 'you can catch something incurable' from body fluids, know that there is risk 'you can catch something energetically' too. 

I think the need for balance, for rest, is to strengthen the aura. I think that is why I need my 'downtime', relatively-speaking, in my high vigilance, high caseload day.

Take care and know I love you : ))),


Reiki Doc